The Villa on Mount Pleasant

Lifestyle, vintage home and decorative crafts...

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Car Boot Treasure

Hello everyone!

I just wanted to share a few snaps with you of my finds from last Sunday's car boot fair, as it was a particularly fruitful trip out!  The metal ampersand was such a lucky find, and I paid a whole £1 for it.  I'm not sure whether to paint it white and leave it outside so it rusts a little, or whether to leave it as it is. The embroidered tablecloths are absolutely beautiful, and one day (one day!) I shall turn them into cushion covers, or frame them.

My birthday party I have been planning for 6 months is one week today!  So this weekend is all about last minute preparations and final gathering of props.  I have a theme, and I can't wait to share some snaps with you of the props I have made and collected from car boot fairs - can you guess what my theme is? :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tamsyn x


  1. All so beautiful! Oh I do love a good car boot sale! Hope you are well my lovely xx

  2. LOVE that ampersand and can't believe it was so cheap. Great finds :)

    Alina from The Fairytale Pretty Picture

  3. If we're voting, I vote for leaving the ampersand as is, it's lovely!


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